Our Mission
We seek to magnify the Lord in all that we do. We are resolved to proclaim the pure gospel of Christ in our church and in our community. We strive to maintain purity in our times of worship and in our daily lives. We are committed to prayer and pursuing Christ both individually and collectively.
Our History
Our Church has preached the Word of God in Massena since 1956. Calvary Baptist Church is an independent Baptist Church that believes in supremacy of scripture for it’s teaching in faith and practice. We also uphold that salvation is in Christ alone by grace alone. We are committed to preaching and teaching the Word of God to fulfill the Great Commission here and abroad.
Our Ministries
We strive to serve Christ through serving others in our church and community. Motivated by love for Christ, we desire to glorify God and fulfill the commandment to love others as we minister the truths of God’s Word to the minds and hearts of men, women, boys, and girls.
See above menu.